Bump and grind

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New World Order

This is a story that needs to be out and known.
It has been reported in the Main Stream Media, but it seems few are listening.

On October 14 Lord Christopher Monckton, former science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, gave a scathing refutation of the concept of man-caused global warming at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. He closed his presentation with a stern warning to Americans that President Obama will be signing a new climate change treaty (likely to be known as the Copenhagen Treaty) at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in early December and that this treaty will “impose a communist world government on the world.”

Read the article, Research it some more, and pass this on.
I do not know how to stop this.
It is very bad.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Family History

Cindy, Mom and I went on an adventure this summer, to Neebish Island. We poked around some and found the grave site of an ancestor. On the side of a road, inside some Lilac bushes. We talked about stuff GrandMa had said. And Mom got the idea to put a book together. Another lady had put some together, Another branch of the same family line, and some from a book by another author.

And she put this together.
She has done this before with other parts of the family line, and some dead ends much sooner.
This goes way back and gives a little insight to how folks got here from there.

This also has some old photos and personal stories of several folks that came before.

It was a good day out, and we all learned some. But Mom was inspired to go a bit farther, so we all have this book and a more complete history of the family.

The whole book has more photos than I am going to post here. All the begets and begats, charts following back to the 1600s.
I enjoy the history, and I think she had fun doing it.