Bump and grind

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Retraction, sort of

Well there have been some responses from Missouri. The Presidential candidates sent a letter demanding a correction. The Governor first was standing by the Document but then said the the candidates names would be removed.
The Missouri State Police have come out now and are rescinding the document.
Missouri Highway Patrol rescinds controversial militia report

As someone posted on the forum,(kudos beerista)
Who else reads this "apology"/"retraction" as the state of Missouri and Homeland Security saying: We're really sorry (that you all found out) and we promise to do better in the future (to ensure that the many similar reports we will produce are not leaked)?

They still have not responded to the Sunshine Law/FOIA request to find who and what was behind this. Activists in Missouri and elsewhere are still working on this

House bars Department of Public Safety from 'political profiling'

JEFFERSON CITY — In response to a controversial report profiling political beliefs of militia members, the Missouri House of Representatives has barred the Department of Public Safety from spending any "state or federal funds for political profiling."

Missouri MIAC Documents Scandal Leads to Advisory on SPLC & ADL

(MMD Newswire) March 26, 2009 -- ALIPAC is issuing a national advisory to all local, state, and Federal law enforcement agencies and officers, along with all DHS Fusion Centers, a warning against any reliance upon faulty and politicized research issued by the Southern Poverty Law Center
(SPLC) and Anti Defamation League (ADL).

I would really like to see some hard proof. There are many including myself that believe they were behind this. It does seem to have their fingerprints. I would still like to have the "Smoking Gun".

Monday, March 23, 2009

FPIAC/MIAC Report Response

A new report has been leaked. In response to the Missouri MIAC Report that targeted many patriotic Americans, the Free Peoples Information Analysis Center has issued a report on the Police State. Though it focuses mostly on Missouri as both the center of the controversy and the center of the country, it is applicable nation wide.
The report can be seen in pdf format here.
We urge anyone who was infected by the original report to read this document. We believe it to be fair and more accurate than the original.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I Am A Domestic Terrorist

Well it is official, Those that want a return to a Constitutional Government are being targeted as Terrorists. Through a leaked Memo from Missouri, supporters of 3rd party ( Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin) People opposed to the Federal Reserve, opposed to a One World Government people that want a return to a Constitutional and limited Government are being targeted and profiled. We are being classed together with Violent Hate groups.
Don't believe it? Read the memo.

The MIAC report specifically describes supporters of presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr as “militia” influenced terrorists and instructs the Missouri police to be on the lookout for supporters displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties.
This memo has been independently verified as true. Freedom loving folks in Missouri are working to address this as I type.

As much as it bothers me to be targeted as a peaceful citizen, active in politics, there are broader implications. Also, I do not believe that this is limited to Missouri. The memo was leaked from them but was part of a Federal program and was tied to the FEMA Fusion Centers.
It is not unexpected but is still a sad state of affairs for this once great nation.
Not only is this stifling to the political process, but it also shows Police Officers as the enemy of freedom. It is all bad.

There are several newspaper articles in Missouri on this.
A FOIA request has been filed in the Capital for more information on who was behind this.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin ( CP Presidential Candidate) as issued a response.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

New Puppy

Meet Cassiopeia.
Carol got her from a girl she works with. She is Rottweiler/Labrador mix and just 5 weeks old.
Our other dogs are not too happy with the new addition, but they will adjust.
I expect the she is going to be a big dog. She is a big puppy.