Bump and grind

Monday, August 03, 2009

Employment Woes

I have been looking for a job for some time. Anything, just some kind of full time employment.
I have filled out a hundred applications, was willing to take any position. I have been passed over on every one. I have applications on file with places that I am well qualified for and that have had a turnover it employees. Not a call.
I had thought I found one earlier this year. It was a maintenance position at a local Cemetery. I had worked there 2 years as part time help, and was hoping for a full time position. The supervisor wanted to get me hired. The ladies in the Office liked me. It looked like I would get a job.

Put in the App, Took the Pee Test and passed. Worked my first day, then was informed that the Background Check came back and I could not be hired. This job was at Oaklawn Chapel Gardens, Just down the road from where my Father and Brother are buried.
It is owned and managed by the Midwest Memorial Group
I contacted them to try to find out why I was refused employment.
I have been trying to get the the Background Check information for 4 months. I have been getting a runaround.

This was the first E-mail I sent.

From: peter osmar [mailto:pcosmar@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2009 2:09 PM
To: cnelke@midwestmemorialgroup.com
Subject: Employment Introduction

Hello Sir

My name is Peter Osmar and I had recently applied for a position at Oaklawn Chapel Gardens.
It seems that I have been rejected for employment due to a Background Check. I am writing in response to that in the hope that it may be reconsidered.
I have worked at Oaklawn before on a temporary basis the last two years. I have been looking for permanent full time employment, and I believe that I would be a asset to the company.

I was "up front" and honest with my application and with the supervisor there.
I do have a criminal history from long ago, but have been working to put that in the past. I had passed background checks before, in Key West Fl, I had a Port Pass to work around the Cruise ships and was cleared through the FBI and DHS.

Though I am not known to your Corporate Office I am known to those I would be working with. I was raised about a mile down the road. And as I stated I have worked at Oaklawn briefly in the last two years, though that was prior to your ownership.

I would ask that my request for employment be reconsidered, as i think we would both benifit.
I would also request the Background Report, as I it may contain errors or misinformation. I can not understand why I would be turned down otherwise.

I would also be willing to provide any further information you may need.

Thank you for your time.
Peter Osmar
I have been exchanging E-mails, for 4 months. And been promised the information. I have all the E-mails, but not the report. This was another response.
FW: Oaklawn Employment‏
From: Craig Nelke (cnelke@midwestmemorialgroup.com)
Sent: Wed 4/22/09 6:14 PM
To: 'peter osmar' (pcosmar@hotmail.com)

Hi Peter,

I will check and see why your employment was denied. If it was because of the background check, then we will mail that report to you as required by law.



From: peter osmar [mailto:pcosmar@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 9:14 AM
To: cnelke@midwestmemorialgroup.com
Subject: Oaklawn Employment

Hello Sir

I am guessing that there is no good news on the job. I had been hoping to hear something positive from you or the folks here.
It is disappointing. I had no doubt that I could have "fit in" well there.
I would like to get a copy of the Background Report. I need to know what is being said about me behind my back so that I can address or correct it.

If you can mail it to me, my address is
6341 W M28
Brimley Mich 49715

I can also pick it up from Oaklawn if that is better for you.
You can also reach me by Phone at (***)*** ****
As far as I know, I will still be available for temporary work like I have the last 2 years, If needed.

Thank you
Peter Osmar

Now, I have passed a check in the past. I had an FBI Background check done when I was in Key West, To work in the secured Port Area.

I had been referred to someone in their H.R. dept. Freda Crawley called me and said that they would get the report to me. After 4 months of trying, I was very interested in what it contained.
I got "it" today.
It is NOT the Background Check that was done 4 Months ago.
This was a quick check that anyone with a computer and 5 minutes can get. And the only information is on the attempted possession charge.

This is the copy of the report. You can see that the request date is 7/21/09.

I am not pleased. And I still have no answer, and no job.


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