Bump and grind

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cutlass Painted

I had a nice warm day and got the Cutlass painted.
It is not a show quality job, but for a budget paint job it is an improvement.
There are a few small specks and some dust, but all in all not bad.
I would love to set up a better booth. There are a lot of challenges and drawbacks to painting in a barn.
Any how, it is a much better looking car than it started.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Cutlass Update

Ok, I got the body work done, and the car in prime. I fixed the larger dents in the hood and elsewhere.
I have to stop somewhere.
This is a budget job, so I am trying to balance between what is paid for and my own desire for perfection. It is not going to be perfect, but it will be much better than it was.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Painting Project

I have a car to paint, as soon as the weather is cooperative. This one is for my Pastor's son. Last fall I had it here for a while. I cleaned up some of the rust and put a rust inhibitor on just to hold it till this spring.
Well it's back. I need to fill some holes and clean it up. He had striped off the moldings (rust traps) and there are a few dings and dents. I will get most of that done while I am waiting for warm days to paint it.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Farm News.

Well, the garden is planted. I hope that all the frost is past, it got me last year.
There is rain and warm temps in the forecast. Looking forward to seeing the sprouts come up.
I have a car in the barn. A painting project for the Pastor's son. That will keep me busy. I'll post some pic's from that in another post.

The newspaper clipping is from here.
Newspaper Clipping Generator.