Bump and grind

Monday, November 29, 2004

New light on train Posted by Hello

Bad shot,three old three new Posted by Hello

Lights painted,ready to assemble Posted by Hello

The last two on the bench. Posted by Hello

This is how they start Posted by Hello

The Day Job

Above are a few pictures of my present project at work.We are changing the stack lights on the trains.They need more light for night charters and late shuttles.The old lights were decorative,but not very functional.Also,many of them were Mast lights,from sailing ships.I guess thats what they had at the time.We designed these to be more train like.We looked at old trains and these are a composite of those ideas I think they look good,and they work better. I got my new computer OS today.I am trying Slackware Linux.I sent for the package with a manual,as this is all new to me.I have some studying to do.Tell you how it goes. The Slackware Linux Project

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Trunk done

I got a shot of the color before I put the deck lid back on. I have the sides to finish this weekend. Hopefuly I will have color on the whole car soon.

Trunk jamb is painted Posted by Hello

Deck lid is blue Posted by Hello

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving

I just want to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving.Stop,think, and give thanks. I will have to work. In our company,we do not take holidays,we provide them. Good news, we will have turkey dinner with all the fixins.Have a great day.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Sorry I'm late

I hadn't written for a couple days because I had a bug.I think I have it killed,at least all my scans are clean,for now. I am getting very tired of all the junk going around. I switched to Mozilla, and cut the popups out,and cut2/3 of the spyware.I have Firewalls 2 AV programs,4 anti spy programs and I spend as much time cleaning up as I do surfing.This is getting very old very fast. I am considering Linux OS. I have been reading a lot about it,and it sounds good.I still haven't decided on a distro, so if any one has a working knowledge,HELP!! I got some done last weekend .The trunk on the Caddie is done.Working on the sides now,just a little body work and primer.I should have paint by the end of the month. Weather permiting.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Project 70 Cadillac

Well this is where I'm at on the Caddie. I will have the Deck lid and trunk painted today.I need to finish preping the sides and doors.They have just a few dings to fix,nothing too bad. I had to replace the front fender lowers. They were shot. A lot of rust,we have a corosive atmosphere. Change from ugly brown to pearl blue. Stay tuned, updates to come. See these guys for metal parts, they made the fender lowers. Wolf Steel Body Panels

70 Cadillac in progress Posted by Hello

Deck lid Posted by Hello

Trunk area reaty for paint Posted by Hello

Friday, November 19, 2004

The picture below is of a Conch Tour Train. Not a good picture.I build and repair them at my real job. Old cars are my hobby. Presently,I am working on a 70 Cadillac convertable. I'll get some pics of it in progress. They won't be "before&after" because I have allready started it. I hope to show them start to finish. I realy need a better camera. I'll put that on my list.

Conch Train Posted by Hello

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I think I've got it.

I think I have the hang of it now. Put the pics up then the post.Hey I'm new at this.

Heavy Metal

50 Chevy Posted by Hello

50 Chevy Posted by Hello

73 Mustang Posted by Hello

67 Triumph Posted by Hello

Old Work

Here are some pictures of my hobby. I did these some time ago. I have never done any "before and after" pictures.I suppose I will have

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

In a nutshell

I would be that nut. A little history. I am a bodyman and painter by trade,hence the name Bump and Grind, I straighten bent and scrached metal .Ihave in the past worked in body shops,but now work for a tour company doing fleet maintenance.The pay is a little less,but the stress level is also less.Body repair shops tend to be more production oriented and quality suffers. I like to do a good job.I like the company I work for,A bunch of nice people,and they seem to like me.Low stress. My hobby on the side ,I fix old cars ,the ones body shops don't want to touch. They are labor intensive,and low profit margin.I think they should be preserved. People who love thier old cars seek me out,I always have lots to do. I am married,nine years, to a nice lady that I kidnapped form Oregon.She seems to like me,and that is rare.I have scared girls out of bars by smiling at them.I don't understand why,but who understands women. I'm not that scary. We have a small zoo,four dogs,ten or twelve cats and a bird. I hope to put some pictures up as soon as I get that all figured out. I am still new to all this stuff.

First Post

In the beginning; This being my first posting,my first Blog,I should explain or explore the reason for writing in the first place. I have been reading the Bloggs of others,surfing,linking, reading some more,and expanding my horizons in the process.Much of this started in the lead up to the elections this year.I went in search of information,opinion,and knowledge.I found blogs to be not only informitive,but also entertaining.In my travels,I came across the Blog of a young woman,a girl from Iraq.She was most impressive in her inteligence and simple eliquence,despite her circumstanses and that of her country. To post a comment,And say hello,I had to register,and so I have a page.I haveto give her the credit (or blame) for my being here.Visit her, it's worth the trip.Star of Mosul at http://astarfrommosul.blogspot.com/ Though this started with political search,I don't plan for this to be a political page,but more a life intrest page.The who,what, when, where, of my life and times.I don' know if it will be very interesting or entertaining,but we shall see.